Saturday, May 7, 2011

Like Riding a Bicycle

Today, I went to Target (because it's closest) to buy some things to tune up my bike. I bought a pump, fix-a-flat, and a water bottle. After fixing the tires and making sure everything still works on it, I took it out for a spin. I read on a cycling website that it is best to ride only a couple of miles at first, so you can get used to riding a bike again. But, as the saying goes, it is like riding a bike, you just don't forget how to do it. So, I went about 11 miles in about 45 minutes. It felt great! And not like running great; I actually enjoyed it.

Just a note on cycling. I know many of you will disagree with me (like Kasey), but I need to tell you that a cyclist on the road has the same rights and rules as a car. I know it's not a perfect system, but that's the law. So, be courteous to cyclists. I got honked at today even though I was in a wide bike lane. It was pretty annoying. So, the next time you get frustrated with a cyclist on the road, just treat him or her like a driver that is going slower and working harder than you.


  1. I don't disagree that cyclists should be treated like drivers now that I know that's the law, I just think it's a bad law. Because cyclists are way slower and it seems dangerous to me when they try to share the road with cars. Plus it's irritating. But anyway, it's good to know what the law is and I wouldn't honk at you if you were in the bike lane. Unless I wanted to let you know you're good-looking. Which you are.

  2. YOu guys are funny!
    G- I just wanted you to know that you inspired me to go running today! Thanks!

  3. I'm fine with bicyclist until they want to act like pedestrians and jump on the sidewalk where I walk and they think they don't have to pay attention to traffic signals. That is all. I'm glad you made this great point.

  4. I love reading your posts. You inspire me with your doing what is right and going the extra mile (ha,ha)
