Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Well, today I ran 4.2 miles in 47 minutes. It was grueling. I thought if I ran slower and longer that my legs wouldn't kill like they did yesterday.

I was wrong.

Instead of a shorter, more intense pain, it was just a longer, more drawn out pain. Needless to say, it hurt.
While I ran, I listened to the smooth stylings of Stephen R. Covey. In his book, Principle Guided Leadership, he talks about not taking shortcuts. He said that in school, some students get by when they cram right before a test. He then compared that strategy to farming where the farmer must plant seeds in the spring if he wants to harvest in the fall. In the natural world, there is no cramming. That is 100% true for running. I did not realize how out of shape I am. I can't run as far or fast as I used to, but eventually, I will get there again. It's all about the law of the harvest. Start planting now so you can reap the rewards later.


  1. Keep it up, G. I'm proud of your determination.

  2. It is never easy to wake up early, it just has to become a habit and then your body adjusts. You are awesome. You are my inspiration
