Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Beginning...

This is my first post. It is Sunday, 1. May, 2011, and I start training tomorrow. I can't say much more than that because I have literally done nothing for my training yet. I played sports in high school, and I used to go running a bit, but right now, I am not in great shape. I want to post about everything I learn and experience from this journey to the Ironman. I don't know how long it will take or how hard I will work, but I will tell you all about it along the way. When I find out training tips, I will post them. When I hear about healthy recipes that I try, I will post about them. I will post about my workouts, and I will even post when I miss them. So, I hope you enjoy accompanying me on my journey to the Ironman!


  1. Garrett, you are the bomb. I am excited for this new endeavor of yours. Except for the healthy recipes part. I love you.

  2. Hey fatty, good luck with your endeavor. I hope it goes better than our Canyonlands half-marathon experiment. Best of luck to you buddy. Nate.

  3. WOW! You are motivating me already. I know you will do it. Where do they do the ironman? I want to come to the finish line. Does this have something to do with them killing Usama Bin Laden today?

  4. Gee, this is awesome. Yer awesome. I've done a few triathlons if you have questions about that aspect of things.
    Way to go! I'm stoked for you!
